The reason for this is that it uses a different base address, as well as being in an outdated format (It has motion data in the main event file, rather than a separately named "e350motion.bin"). Instead, a prerendered video of the scene is used. This event also goes unused in the 2012 version. The scene can be accessed from Event Test in the debug menu, but doesn't play. The files for the original intro event from the Dreamcast version (e350) can still be found unused in the game's event directory. For content that appeared in the original game, see Sonic Adventure 2 (Dreamcast). This page lists unused content exclusive to (or that first appeared in) the Battle version. One thing it didn't fix was the cut-off dialogue. It's merely a port of Sonic Adventure 2, which stays true to its predecessor while providing new features such as an expanded two-player mode and, for the most part, upgraded graphics.

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle was the first Sonic game for the GameCube, as well as the first official Sonic game on a Nintendo console. This game has unused playable characters.